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FaytheWorks Publishing |
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32, KJV
THIS SCRIPTURE offers an amazing combination of relief and freedom for the believer. God’s life-changing truth can never be trumped by the enemy’s deceptive lies. For those who have a desire to learn more about Jesus Christ, the Scriptures testify of Him. In Him and only in Him is there eternal life. It is simply up to the individual to receive what God has to offer. Considering what the Holy Spirit has taught me, I feel a great obligation to share Christ and love another brother or sister enough to tell them the truth. In my new non-fiction book, Soul Ties, many taboo topics are discussed, but with helpful solutions to those who suffer in silence.
Through all of my ignorance, disobedience, and sin, God still loved me. God loves those who don’t even love Him and this is threaded throughout His Word—the Holy Bible. Jesus Christ saved me from Hell and saved me from myself. When I fell in the desires of my flesh, God still remained the same: loving, giving, patient, and kind. Although we encounter trials and tribulations here on Earth, even after being saved from Hell, God still does not allow us to go through more than we can bear. He does provide us with a way of escape. The problem is that many of us don’t take advantage of the emergency exit He affords. Why is that?
One reason could be that so many are preoccupied with “life” and the things of the world that the open door of escape is either ignored or not even noticed. Being this heavily engrossed could cause a person to become more attracted and deeply devoted to things that are outside of God’s will. What a chilling thought. Through my experience in witnessing, I’ve often found that the generic response or attitude to my deterring others from dangerous pitfalls and toward the Lord is, “Oh, God knows my heart…” This is a sobering truth. Do many realize the divine revelation they’ve actually spoken? And the sad part is that this complacent response typically comes from many professed Christians.
These people draw near Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts hold off and are far away from Me. Uselessly do they worship Me, for they teach as doctrines the commands of men.
Matthew 15:8-9, AMP
As the Lord has placed on my heart for some time now to write this book, I finally humbled in submission. I had to repent for procrastinating. My mind swarmed with thoughts of how to present it, how to make it relatable, and how to share without appearing judgmental (although the Word will ultimately judge, not man). Clearly, eternal judgment is reserved for God, as He has the final say. While human beings form opinions and are biased in certain instances, only God can pass judgment to either receive a person into Heaven or hurl them into Hell.
The bottom line is the truth is the truth. There is no way to sugar coat, no way to dress it up to receive widespread approval of man, and no way to share it other than to be direct. God has taught me this by example through His Word. “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 12:4).
It is my sincere desire to share with others what I have learned. The damaging effects of Greek Lettered sororities and fraternities, Masonry, along with other subjects are discussed in this book. I aim to encourage readers with the testimonies included from dedicated Christians who openly share the Light of God with the world—not some generic god who is powerless in the face of the One true and living God.
In Soul Ties, at the end of each chapter (beginning with Chapter 2), you’ll find a self-examination question in addition to practical applications to help you discover areas in your life that may need repair. These things will assist you in becoming a healthier and more spiritually minded person.
Other topics covered include deliverance from the devastating affects of rape, molestation, promiscuity, bondage to drugs and other addictions, and domestic abuse. We are our brother’s keeper and should care enough about the next person to share what we’ve learned through Biblical insight and personal experience that line up with God’s Word.
It is not my intention to ignite discord. That is far from my motive. It is to simply share with others the caution that should be taken upon entering any relationship or association, whether with a potential mate or in joining a sorority, fraternity, or secret society that is inconsistent with one’s Christian faith. One day we will have to give an account to God for the things done in this life. We must be careful of the decisions we make because sometimes the consequences may have an eternal effect.
The contents of Soul Ties are in no way, shape, or form intended to condemn anyone. When I justly deserved to be cast out of God’s sight, the Lord was patient with me and I just want others to experience the freedom and mercy that I have. God knew my previous outlook was distorted and not as He would have it to be. In the past, my view was assuredly that of a carnal mind, but what a loving and forgiving God we serve!
This world, Earth as we know it, is only our temporary home and before I leave, I aim to do something meaningful with the life God has given me. Our experiences are not just our own. Our tests can become testimonies. It is my hope to help, even if that means only one person, to receive deliverance from damaging soul ties—deliverance that can only come through God.
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Ebook coming soon!
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