In this issue, we remember the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for the remission of OUR past, present and future sins…nothing that He did wrong. Salvation was the purpose. He defeated sin by bearing our iniquities so that we could be reconciled back unto God the Father. There are many gifts and talents that we can use to praise God, but there is only one way to Him and that way is Jesus Christ, “…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me,” John 14:6, KJV.
Observing the sacrifice of the Lamb brings to mind all that He was willing to give for me…for us. Thinking back to the foolish decision and choices I’ve made in my life causes me to praise Him even more because God has saved me from myself. One of those choices was to commit spiritual adultery. I cheated on God not knowing that I was truly doing myself a disservice. I joined a sorority (Zeta Phi Beta) not knowing really what I was getting in to. I had heard about others being hazed (beaten and/or disrespected), but personally I didn’t encounter any of that. We went to church, we praised God, and we knew who OUR Lord was. But God challenged me one day, thirteen years later in the fall of 2008 (to the season) in which I had pledged (fall 1995).
God had me to pull out those items I had saved all those years since pledging to get rid of everything associated with the sorority: handbook, receipts for dues payments, and all paraphernalia. Now, leading up to the fall of 2008, I had heard God’s voice as His Holy Spirit was dealing with me. I didn’t know exactly what it was when I began feeling uncomfortable in the preceding years (almost two) when I met other Zetas. People who knew I was a Zeta introduced me to other Zetas and it made me feel ashamed. I didn’t know why I was feeling like this, but I now understand that because I was drawing closer to God, He was drawing closer to me (reference James 4:8). He was purging me. He explained to me that He had to separate me because He did not want to lose me. Yes, I heard those words.
In throwing my former possessions into a burning flame of fire, I still searched for something that said it was all right. I looked through the handbook and there was God in the pages, but the Holy Spirit said, “What god are they talking about?” Jesus was no where to be found between the pages. As I tossed sweaters and objects that bore the name Zeta Phi Beta, God had me to look down at numerous receipts of membership dues paid in the past. And again I was convicted about the time I had pledged years earlier. “You paid that sorority when you weren’t even paying your tithes.” That hurt me, although by this point I had been paying my tithes and giving to the church regularly for years. But to come to the realization that I had done that to the True and Living God was sobering. Who was god in my life? “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” Exodus 20:3, KJV. Listen here at a song we used to sing on this Zeta chapter's website. (Now, read Matthew 22:37). That was it! It is so painfully clear now in seeing another greet others in the name of a sorority, fraternity, or any organization for that matter, the excitement of linking up, pales in comparison when finding another brother or sister in Christ.
In denouncing the sorority, I later formally submitted a letter to the headquarters (a hard and an electronic copy) along with this scripture, Revelation 22:12-16. They probably thought I was crazy, but the things of God are considered foolish to the world… “But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God,” 1 Corinthians 1:23-24, KJV.
I have been blessed to be connected with Keya Brown who also pledged the same sorority that I had during the same time that I had and denounced after about the same amount of years I had. I met her after we had both denounced this sorority. What a Divine Appointment. Below you can read her personal account and the road she traveled back to full fellowship with the Lord.
The Testimony Corner welcomes Minister Fred Hachett who not only pledged Omega Psi Phi in the past, but is also formerly of the Masonic Order. He sheds personal insight behind a notoriously secretive organization. Those who have ears let them hear.
Introducing Ms. Keya Brown, a former Zeta Phi Beta
I am a former member of Zeta Phi Beta, the sister organization to Phi Beta Sigma. And I am a one God Apostolic Christian. I became a member in November 1995. I had joined at a time after stepping away from the Lord. I can admit that I was not living for God, heavily becoming a part of the world. I wanted to be apart of the sisterhood organization because I have only brothers. Another reason was that I wanted to help improve that particular chapter because it had a "big girl" stigma. My purpose for joining had nothing to do with the widely advertised community service; rather I joined in order to have an incorporated organization in which to add to my resume`. Simply because of affiliation many doors would be open to me.
Thinking back, the only time me and my “sorors” (sorority sisters) went to church was on our Founder's Day; and even then we went to some random church. In going together, we were seen as a united group of women which would in turn attract other women to the organization—not God.
God restored me to salvation in 2002. Through dreams, visions and my prayer life, the Lord showed me the fate of my eternity if I did not cut off my right "leg." Before I go into the "leg" part of the story, I'd like to share that I truly had a difficult time internally in the beginning. By beginning, I mean when I participated in my intake ritual that would make me a full member after my underground pledging process was complete.
The false god: I had to kneel before an altar and repeat an oath or agree to some statements by saying, "I DO." Although I was far from God, HE was not far from me. I remember thinking, "What in the heck am I saying??" The whole set up was just creepy. If my mother could be there, she would have pleaded, "The Blood of JESUS" over and over again. But I thought at that time after all of what I went through up to this point, I'll just deal with [it]…later. Thirteen (13) years and two months later I finally dealt with it.
Back to the "leg": My right leg has two brands on it representing Zeta - as many of you know markings, cutting or branding of the skin is an action of showing ownership; like slaves and cattle were branded, marked, or pierced. Zeta owned me. God dealt with me being a Zeta for a very long time because I took my time responding to Him (like I have the rest of my life). Between 2007 and 2008 the Holy Ghost revealed many things to me; one was that the symbols on my leg represented what I needed to cut off—Zeta. TOO EASY!! I can cut that off easier than I can cut my leg off. I got mixed responses when I shared this with close sorors. One of my VERY close friends and former soror, T, did not take it well. She said, “Once a Zeta, ALWAYS a ZETA!!" I said, “The devil is a liar!” She defended Zeta and thought I would reverse my decision. Unfortunately, we began to grow apart, but the Word says to be separated from the world. It was not a forced separation; it came on its own.
Other Zetas and Greeks did not express verbally but I knew who had a problem with it because my friendship status changed on Facebook. But a couple of friends, one Zeta and one Kappa, understood that it was God but they just had not come into their season of truth yet [concerning Greeks]. I was in a wonderful place in my career, my relationship, and I was even working on a national project that would go to the movies. I desired to get closer to Lord during this time. I wanted to hear His voice the way I used to. I really was not interested in the sorority like I used to be and I resolved that I needed to understand why instead of just saying, “Oh I grew out of it,” because that wouldn’t have been true. It was crazy because I was THE step-mistress of the southeast and dance queen of the region. I had drawn many interested persons and my leaving the sorority was because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not because of any strife. I decided to go back into research mode on Greek Lettered Organizations (GLOs) to find where in the Bible they’re supported. See, I needed a reason to stay; to keep the tags on my car; to keep Zeta on my list of achievements on my resume.
A greater interest went into what one of Zeta's symbols is and why we use it. Greeks have a deeper meaning to everything they say and everything they choose to symbolize their organizations—a cat and a dove. The dove came with an explanation, but why a cat? After diligent research, I learned that the half cat-half woman war goddess is the goddess that Zeta represents. Her name is BASTET, sometimes shown as HATHOR (half-cow/half-woman).
Now we did not bow to an image of Bastet or Hathor nor did we even have it in these current handbooks, but we did do enough of the other stuff. We diligently chanted that all of our LOVE/PEACE/HAPPINESS we're going to give to Zeta, and that I love my Z-Phi-B, and many other forms of praise and worship to the sorority. The community service we did was ALWAYS in the name of Zeta; NEVER in the name of Jesus. Through many of the underground pledging we invoked spirits of arrogance, hostility and tolerance for non-sense from our own sorors, but not from outsiders. The greeting the pledges had to say, says that the big sisters are our guiding force to the Zeta light. What?? Yes. I realized I did not need much to see this is an idolatrous organization.
We oppressed people through underground pledging. And if we did not participate, we still knew and let it happen. Mysteriously, in all of that research (which I did on the other organizations as well), I found NOTHING DEALING WITH CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES OR CHRIST—NOTHING. Nothing, I tell you; not in their principles, history, or songs. We did not even pray together except to keep from getting kicked off the campus and at meetings; peanut butter and jelly prayers anyway. It was all Egyptian Mysticism and some forms of humanism; but those who know this are more likely to be Masons or just be quiet. This Supreme13 ( group knew this and they embraced it and has a website encouraging you to do the same. View for yourself on the link above.
Serving in an organization like this is contra-Christian. Why? It is idolatry at best. At worst, during rituals it is a form of harmless, witchcraft. Sounds like an oxymoron? Well I weighed my salvation against all of my findings… guess who won? I formally denounced in January 2009.
These organizations are the offspring of Freemasonry; most of them know this but some do not. But Masons definitely know this, so read Matthew 7:18-20. These organizations swear and make oaths to the group. The Old Testament instructs us that swearing is a trespassing sin, Leviticus 5:1, 4-5.; the New Testament fulfills that when Jesus instructs us further in Matthew 5:34-37. You are binding yourselves with non-believers and people who are atheists or otherwise do not have a desire to serve God. Joining these organizations is like a marriage because you are avowing yourselves to the other members of the group. The scripture that convicted me on this was Psalm 1:1 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-15. Additional scripture references are located on my website:
The Testimony Corner
"Turning to God"
I came to North Carolina State University in 1984 with no intentions of joining a fraternity. The very first experience I had on campus with Greeks was a shirt ripping. This little dude had a shirt with Kappa something on it... not paraphernalia. They left him there ripped shirt and all.
Well, I was going to pledge Kappa at State in 1986, even took a few strokes of the cane, but a minor technicality got in the way. I was not going to put up with potential fruits of pledging, such as broken bones and busted ear drums, which Kappas were (in)famous for. I had heard it all too often from Kappas. Needless to say, one of my supposed to be line brothers ratted on me, yet he was the very individual that cried wolf when the process got too hard.
Now, fast forward to 1989 where I meet a Delta at work. She introduces me to Omega Psi Phi. In 1990, I pledged graduate chapter. I hazed, was twice a Dean of Pledges (DP), remember there was no such thing as DP's anymore after 1990. Yeah, you got it, that old we are not a hazing organization line. Well, I never had to use that line, I never hid that lie.
Somewhere, between 1992 to late 1993, I was involved in the Masonic Order. I denounced before I was born again. I was still an Omega, but one who was struggling with my membership and "profession" of faith status. Well, I went ahead and had a born again experience in April 1994, denounced Omega Psi Phi, and immediately began compiling information on the biblical worldview, of fraternities and sororities. My book Coming Apart at The Seams: Biblically Unraveling the Evils of Greek Fraternities and Sororities and unfolded into a reality that a new Worldview of Greek-Letter Organizations was on the block. I am often in thoughtful awe of why God chose me to do such a thing as exposing The Sacred Cow of Masonry and Greek Life.
The most bittersweet reality of this whole thing was that Christians are the biggest enemies, and that the church would become a major focus of exposing wickedness in high places.
***Fred Hatchett is now a minister of the Gospel.***
In Closing,
My experience in sharing what the Hoy Spirit has revealed to me has led to much adversity. It is my prayer that many who are in these organizations or thinking about joining one will seek the true and living Holy God in the name of Jesus. He will direct your path. Praise God that I have had a couple of people approach me inquiring about nightmares they’ve experienced surrounding these organizations…because God knew the same things had happened to me. After denouncing the sorority, the nightmares never returned. God knew I was able to speak to these people (whom I hadn’t known previously) to share my personal account. It was a Divine Appointment.
My plea is that many will examine the oaths taken and be mindful of the words being spoken into the atmosphere. This is a spiritual battle for we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
To submit a testimony or an article for contribution, please email me at
This is a great work you all have commenced in denouncing Greek. I pray that others who are contemplating joining a secret society will have a wake up call from these great testimonies of the mighty hands of God.
Thank you so much, Gina. God has delivered me and I pray for others as well. He loves us so much to sacrifice...we should be willing to do the same by living completely for Him.
This article has been such a blessing to me. I am in the process of formally renouncing my letters (Z Phi B) and it has been hard. I love the women I have met through Zeta, but I value my relationship with God more. It is encouraging to see that others have heeded God's call to separate themselves from this particular form of ungodliness. Please keep me in your prayers and I will do the same. The devil is being exposed and he is MAD. We need to intercede for one another; praying for strength to fight this spiritual battle.
Thanks for your comment, Tiffni. God is so good and I thank Him for your deliverance and pray that He strengthens you on your journey.
Glory, to Glory, to Glory, to Glory to God. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is GOD. Congratulations on your release from bondage and allowing the Lord to remove the scale off your eyes. Feel free to stop by the website and I will pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen your understanding completely. God bless.
Praise the Lord for your deliverence and for YOU strengthing your WALK with him
I must say I write this as an active Member in the Sorority , as well as the daughter of a Pastor where I serve ONE GOD with fellow believers.
I have been a member of my church since early early age. I serve the Lord and place nothing or noone before him, including Zeta.
Zeta is an outlet for me and others to do a work of the lord through SERVICE. We feed the poor, we tutor the children, we work with the elderly, and we commune to life and serve our COMMUNITY..which is the FIRST ideal of the Sorority.
I do not think it is of God or right to paint a picture that all members "worship" or "praise" their letter. This is insane to me and Im quite offended.
All of my Sorors KNOW that I am a child of the MOST HIGH. They respect who I am EVERY day of the week. We LOVE , as commanded in II Corinth 13th and we KNOW it is much more than a social outlet to those that use it that way.
Anyone neglecting their walk has to ACCEPT responsibility and examine theirselves. As Christians, we neednt place blame on an entity or org..cause that is US.
I pay my tithes and I pay my dues.
God First, Family Second and then any extracurriculum activities that allows me to SERVE in him
I will not speak badly of anyone that makes a decision to denounce. However, I will also not allow someone to ASSUME and blanket the entire membership in a negative way.
I am a proud Child of the King and member of Zeta
Yours in Christ
Dear Anonymous,
While I do not believe it was mines or Sis. Renee's intent to paint a pictures that ALL members of zeta fell into a damned category, we could not ignore the call of God to COME OUT. You've decided to post saying your saved BUT you are defending zeta??? Choose ye this day whom you will serve.
Now while the community service actions you are performing for the sorority may help someone out, we can't ignore that it's done in the name of zeta to get zeta's name out and to build your presence on a local, regional, and national level, and you are NOT witnessing to people in the community about salvation on zeta's time.
The bottome line is Leviticus 5:1and 4 tell us NOT to swear an oath that is secret and Matt 5:33-35 tells us not to swear period. There are two reasons to kneel at an altar: to worshop God and to worship 'others'. What's being done during intake rituals? The Word says do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2COR 6:14). You are KNOWINGLY AVOWING yourself with unsaved individuals through that oath.
Do you perform the handsign? That comes from masons and OES. Have you hazed? Or do you think because you're not the one oppressing pledgees you are unaccountable for what's being done? Oh your chapter doesn't pledge? Well guess what, zetas pledge worldwide. I was one of them in Europe 'representin' in a graduate chapter. Doesn't your oath avow you to zetas worldwide?? If this is of God show me ONE scripture.
I could go on but will not; I felt the same way you did initially but it wasn't until my TRUE walk with God elevated, as it does on a cyclic basis, I heavily lost the desire to remain connected to zeta. AFTER denouncing I found there were many others like me. Oh yeah and the community service acts are HUMANISM (new age, watered down Christianity) not Christianity. Like many others, perhaps it is not your season to understand. But remember, you don't have to bow down to an image to worship it. "All of my love and peace and happiness, I'm gonna give to JESUS!"
Very well said, Sis. Keya. There isn't much I can add to your comment. We pretty much said it all in the article, but like you said, I too was at that point. After I read this comment, the words that rose up in my spirit was if only people would defend Christ (and Speak Up) as they do an organization, what a world this would be.
It is my prayer that many will truly ask the Holy Spirit to be their guide. It also makes me rejoice because Jesus says I am blessed when others say all manners of evil against me for HIS name sake...not zeta's or any other organization.
What we share is simply a warning that comes straight out of the Word of God. So, be careful because the argument you (Tamara--Anonymous) have is not with us, it is with God... may He minister to you as only He can. We just love you, that's all, we love you enough to tell you the truth.
God Bless you all,
I am actually in the process of denouncing my sorority. It is not a part of the "Divine 9", but is still greek in action and rituals. I decided to denounce because of the things that are associated with the sorority. The lewd parties, hazing, and other environments were preventing me from going higher in Him. I pledged in Fall 05 and am an alumni of the sorority. The church I attended while in college has a pastor who is active in Phi Beta Sigma and so is his son, so unfortunately I compared myself to man rather than God. If my pastor is active and supports the service, why can't I do the same? HORRID MISTAKE!
To address "anonymous" - you cannot as a Child of God walk with those who are unequally yoked. You cannot wear letters and profess His goodness and pay dues to things that are unrighteous or host parties because you may be fined if you don't attend or watch the line at a club. Even if you don't ever attend a "set" (hazing session) or ever grip/lock-up, or even attend a party, but you wear the letters of those who hosted the party, do you think people will truly take you seriously as a devout follower of Christ? To the average person who does not know you at all, yet sees your letters it reminds them of that crazy party the Zetas on their campus once hosted, the crazy hazing story their cousin once told them about Zeta, or even possibly one of your sorors that was swearing loudly in the library that one day, etc. You may say how am I suppose to be responsible for every member of the sorority?? Well you're not, but what you can do is govern yourselves for His name sake alone.
Paul declares:
1 Corinthians 9:19: “For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; 20 and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; 21 to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; 22 to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 23 Now this I do for the gospel's sake, that I may be partaker of it with you.
In other words Christ is coming soon and we as His TRUE disciples must be about His business, leaving behind anything that would distract us from His daily will for our lives.
As I said, I am still in the process and will never claim to have all the answers in life - but I thank God for His conviction and the joy and peace He has granted me because I am truly sold-out to Him and Him alone. The large majority will not understand, but you have to have your mind made up that you only live to please Him and not others. I beg you to read Matthew 24 (again if you have already for we as Christians sometimes become desensitized to scripture we've seen numerous times). It's real and we need to be ready and willing to walk that narrow road and forsake all others and things.
Again, God bless you all and thank you to the authors and contributors of this blog for your openness!
May God continue to bless you, Belinda-Rose! You are right, those who are not apart of the so-called "Divine 9" are not exempt, the principles are the same. This was a powerful statement you made, "The large majority will not understand, but you have to have your mind made up that you only live to please Him and not others." Amen!
Whatever we do, we must do as unto the Lord. Please, feel free to contact me anytime. My email address is or I pray that God continues to strengthen you in your process. He will never leave us nor forsake us... continue to press forward.
It is wonderful to know there are more people out here that have denounced from Zeta Phi Beta Sorority as well! May God continue to bless you all as you grow cloder to Him, doing His kingdomo business.
I blog as well!
I'm very thankful for this insight. I'm a freshman and I was planing on becoming a member in zeta phi beta. I'm glad that I know the true meaning of this and want look in partaking in such activities
Letha, I would encourage you to continue to do your research. This is so you will not be swayed in the future. You can visit and get started. God bless!
Hi Letha, I am so glad that you aren't going to join. God leads and guides those who want to be led and guided. He did it for me and I'm so glad that He is doing it for you! What a mighty and awesome God we serve!
And this applies in all areas of your life. As long as you truly put God first in your life, you'll succeed. Not to say that you won't have learning curves, but God is with you because He promises to never leave us nor forsake us.
Wow! And Amen. Thanks ladies and gentleman for your testimonies. I too am a former Zeta who denounced a few years ago and this is actually my first time seeing and reading from other women who too have denounce the organization. Although I haven't told any of my line sisters or wrote to headquarters I have shared with close family members and friends. I also discarded everything Zeta some years ago, because of Christ. When asked if I am a part of any organization I'm honest and say I was, but denounced because of Christ. Some understand and some look at me with a "you're crazy look". I even have students asking me to write them letters of recommendations to join sororities and fraternities. My reply is no. Simply because I will not be held accountable especially when I know better. My question to you Renee or anyone who wants to respond. Do I need to write to National or to my former line sisters letting them no I denounced Zeta. Here's the thing after we pledged in 2000 I never hung around my line sisters. Not because I didn't like them or anything, but simply because I didn't care to party or do whatever. So I immediately was titled M.I.A. So currently to them I am still M.I.A. while sold out for Jesus. Realizing the very truth of the matter...I do need to tell them and be ready for whatever. Blessings to you ladies and much love.
I just revealed to my former line sisters, through FB, that I denounced Zeta a few years ago, and it feels good. I honestly was concerned with what they would say or think and the truth of the matter was I was still on the fence, lukewarm, a little ashamed and again concerned with the opinions of others. I released a rejoicing sound after posting my position. I feel liberated. This is Truth. Either you're in or out. Hot or cold. God will spew you out if you are lukewarm. Yes. Today and forever more,until the Lord returns,I am continuing my growth in Christ and am so happy to have found what I was looking for on today regarding denouncing sororities. Blessings to you Renee.
Evelyn Tyler
Evelyn - To answer your question, it is not required. However, NECESSARY to make a declaration of your denouncement to the national HQ. It's part of proclaiming that you belong the the Most High and you've entered the process of divorcing your organization - because when you went through your rituals it was essentially a marriage/ a vow. I did right a letter to nationals but I only told my closest former LS who also denounced later. Anyone else who asked (because I knew so many people) I tell them and use that opportunity to witness. MANY have come out and still coming out.
Greetings Evelyn!
To God be the glory for you:-) Let me first apologize for not responding sooner. I'm just now seeing this message tonight. Also, I want you to know that it is so encouraging to see others reverence God such as yourself. I am so happy that you decided to take that important, liberating step to denounce that sorority. God is with you. He will never leave nor forsake you. I'm glad that you shared with others as it can encourage them to consider giving their whole life to God instead of just portions of it. I know that it takes courage and I'm so glad that you stood on faith and the strength of our Lord.
In the meantime, feel free to email me at I'll provide you with a complimentary copy of Soul Ties: Breaking Up with a Past That's Killing Your Future where you can read other testimonies.
I pray His best for you. Take Care...
Hello All!! Thank you for sharing this. I also joined a divine 9 sorority during undergrad. When I graduated in 2006 and returned to my home church; God really began to deal with me but had yet to reveal why I could not serve the true and living God and be in a sorority. As the years went by, I became inactive; tossed out all things that represented the sorority and for a period of time that was "good enough". It was my way of saying I'm not apart of the organization anymore; but technically everyone still knew me as a Greek. This year, literally a few weeks ago, I and a few other "sisters" decided to attend homecoming. I was thrilled to see the other women but wasn't too excited about the organization. Again, God began to deal with me about the organization to a greater degree. Late one evening I asked God what is it about the organization and did I really have to give it up. Like you, I wanted to know why; not that I was questioning God but I just wanted to understand and not just do so because I've grown out of it. He began to show me things about the symbols, the songs, the rituals.....I was so ashamed and could not believe that all these years I technically worshipped an idol and did not realize it. I cried out to God asking what I needed to do to get right; and the Holy Spirit told me I had to officially denounce the organization and announce it to others. I immediately thought of the backlash but realized it doesn't matter what they think; I must obey God. This past Sunday, October 11th, I informed the women that I "crossed" with; and I'm really seeking God on how to tell others from the chapter. I also realize that I'll need to write a letter to the organization; my concern is I really don't want to use my address when I send it. I don't think anything will happen but I think I'm more comfortable with an email to the organization instead of a letter with my return address. I don't know why but for some reason I just don't want my current address in their files.
Anyway, its will be 13 years next month since becoming a member and I'm officially doing right by God and denouncing this organization. Although I slowly stop associating I was still seen as a member of Zeta Phi Beta but I'm in the process of removing myself completely. I'm grateful that God has shown me this and thank you for sharing your story.
Greetings T.D.G.,
What an awesome God we serve! It does my heart good to know that so many are recognizing the darkness of being associated with Greek Lettered Organizations. I applaud you for your strength and courage! That's a big step and I thank God that you made it.
Thank God! And I hope your testimony encourages others as well.
Chelsea J.
I'm always encouraged to hear about other believers testimonies of denouncing their letters. I am a former member of ZPB as well and crossed in Fall "14. Even before the hazing started I knew this was not of God but continued anyway since I didn't know God. So many of us lack the knowledge of the true King but he is faithful to bring us in relationship and deliver us from whatever we bonded to, to fill the void in our lives. Many of our reasons for joining organizations when honestly examining yourself is rooted in a identity. Not knowing whose you are and who you and yearning for a sense of belonging. Once I denounced my letters God showed me the purpose of family and love through his kingdom with fellowship between his sons and daughters. Once you experience the real you never want a false representation again its no comparison. You can serve without being in a secret society. A lot of this is generationally rooted. As the earlier sister stated with the historical sin of Freemasonry. God removes the veil of deception from our eyes when we begin to trust his love and perfect will for us. Its a glory to glory process and having conversation s with others experiencing the same things helps
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